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  • 5 July, 2021

Oral Ulcers – What is the Treatment and How to Prevent ? (Part II)

Treatment of Oral Ulcers 
Most oral ulcers are usually harmless and resolve by themselves within 10 to 14 days. Other types of mouth ulcers such as the aphthous variety or those caused by herpes simplex infection need topical treatment (such as ointment, mouthwash or gel).

Treatment options for oral ulcers include:
Self Care

Avoid spicy foods, acidic fruit drinks and very salty foods (such as crisps) which can make the pain and stinging worse.
Drink plenty of water.
Keep your mouth clean.
Apply antiseptic gel to the ulcers.
Pain relief creams or ointments such as Orajel or Anbesol.
Cooling mouth rinses with cold water or applying ice to the ulcer.
Rinsing the mouth with salt water and baking soda.
Using the straw to drink cool drink to avoid the liquids touching ulcers in the front of the mouth. (Avoid hot drink like coffee and tea)

If you suspect a medication is causing the ulcers then change may be possible.
For example, if you are using oral nicotine replacement therapy (nicotine gum or lozenges), it may help to use a different type instead such as patches or nasal spray.
Mouthwash- Chlorhexidine gluconate mouthwash (Chlorohex) may reduce pain. It may also helps to prevent ulcers from becoming infected. Chlorhexidine mouthwash is usually used twice a day. It may stain teeth brown if you used regularly, but this may fade once treatment is finished. Unfortunately it does not reduce the number of new ulcers.
Steroid lozenges- Corticosteroid lozenges may reduce pain and speed up healing. These are best used as soon as the ulcer appears. Corticosteroids are available on prescription as tablets, mouthwash, paste or spray. These corticosteroids should not be used by children under 12.
Soothing protective paste- These products as-Orabase help to cover the ulcer temporarily to protect it.
Home Remedies 
Baking Soda paste (Sodium Bicarbonate)

It acts as one of the best mouth ulcer cure, as it can reduce the pain significantly.
Take equal amount of baking soda and water. Mix them to create a thick paste. Apply this paste on the mouth and let it dry out. Once the mixture has dried, rinse your mouth with water and gargle as well. This should be done three times each day.
 Salt water

Mix a tablespoon of a salt in a glass of lukewarm water. Now gargle thoroughly using this liquid. Once you are done, you can gargle with plain water to remove the salty taste from your mouth. Using this procedure, you can soothe some of the pain and discomfort that you experience during the mouth ulcer.
The antiseptic properties of salt are well known.
 Curd/ Yogurt

Plain yogurt or curd is considered an excellent food for treating mouth ulcers as it helps in soothing the mouth as well as combating bacteria responsible for this condition.
For treating oral ulcers, it is advisable that you aim at consuming around 200 grams of yogurt each day.

Honey can soothe ulcers as it helps retain moisture and accelerates the healing process.
It also has antioxidant and antimicrobial properties
Simply dip a cotton swab in the honey and dab it on the affected area.
 Aloevera gel

Aloevera is an effective natural remedy of oral ulcers.
It has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and curative properties that help to ease the pain and inflammation as well as speed up the healing process.
Extract the gel from a fresh aloe vera leaf and apply it directly on the mouth ulcer. Do this several times a day. Alternatively, you can rinse your mouth with fresh aloe vera juice about three or four times a day.

Turmeric Powder 

Along with fighting infections, turmeric is also effective in battling against the inflammation and pain from the oral ulcers. This product has antimicrobial properties as well.
Take a bit of turmeric powder and some water. Mix to form a thick paste. Apply this paste on the ulcers every morning and evening. Leave it on for a few minutes and then rinse it off properly. You should notice the difference immediately.
 Fennel Seeds

Drinking a glass of milk with a pinch of funnel seeds will be one of the best home remedies for mouth ulcers.
It will alleviate the pain by soothing the stomach disorders.

Eating banana regularly during mouth ulcer gives excellent result.
You can also use the banana paste as a great home remedy for mouth ulcer.

Leaves of tulsi plants have amazing medicinal properties and one of the important actions of tulsi is as an adaptogen a substance that aids the body to adapt stress.
Chew a few leaves of tulsi along with some water about three to four times everyday.
Coconut Water

Dry coconut, coconut oil and coconut waters are the three products of coconut trees that are very useful in treating mouth ulcers.
Drinking tender coconut water helps to cool the body.
Applying a little coconut oil on the mouth ulcer or chewing some coconut (fresh or dry) helps reduce pain and inflammation and hence, ulcers heal faster.
Prevention of Oral Ulcers
To prevent getting oral ulcers, use these tactics:

Using a soft toothbrush to brush your teeth.
Avoiding hard, spicy, salty, acidic or hot food and drink until the ulcer heals.
Practice good oral hygiene.
Employ gentle brushing for your teeth and gums.
Eat a healthy and balanced diet.
Get a good intake of Vitamin B, C and zinc.
Learn some relaxation tips to relieve stress.
Quit smoking
Chew slowly.
Have a proper sleep.
Have regular checkup at your dentist- your dentist can spot and treat problems such as sharp teeth or fillings that could damage your tooth.
Mouth ulcers are usually temporary, healing on their own within one to two weeks, and harmless. If mouth ulcers do not heal within two or three weeks, it could be a sign of disease that you need medical attention and treatment for. If mouth ulcers recur frequently, are large in size, continue to develop or are painless, see your dentist for advice and a health checkup.

Article by: Dr. Bhavana Jain

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