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  • 18 July, 2019

Say No to Bad Mouth Odour

4 ways to get rid of Unpleasant smell from your Mouth
A usual start to a bright morning commences with some water, stretching, brushing your teeth, having your Breakfast and beginning your journey towards a good day. Even if we miss any one of the above daily chores, we don’t really feel good. We feel we haven’t done what was a necessity or we haven’t done it self-satisfying. This results in less dedication on our work and eventually hampers the entire day.

Now Imagine you got up late. You will brush haphazardly, swiftly do all your morning tasks and leave your home for your job or your everyday activities. You would by now sense something’s not alright from the start of your day or a Bad Odour in your mouth which is irritating you!

This Bad Odour/unpleasant smell that you would sense is called as Halitosis. It is also known as fetor oris. It can occur due to several problems like Sinus infections, common cold, influenza (flu), tonsil stones pneumonia, sore throat (pharyngitis) and other throat infections, diabetes, acid reflux (gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD), lactose intolerance, other stomach or digestion problems etc. However, it is mainly reported due to poor oral Health Care and the negligence towards it. Halitosis can cause significant worry, embarrassment, and anxiety but it is relatively easy to remedy.

Why Regret for it? It’s best to avoid it. Here are 4 simple ways to keep Bad Odour Away from your Mouth Forever

 Thumb Rule- Brushing twice a day Thoroughly and Nicely

Hey, they are your own set of teeth. Your precious Jewel. Why do you want to ruin the charm of your Smile? Bad Odour Starts from a cosy attitude towards brushing your teeth. Brushing the mandibular (Lower teeth) set is as important as Bruhing the Maxillary (Upper teeth) Set. Do you feel tired after Brushing Your teeth? Do you feel that you have brushed enough and its now time to wash your mouth? Then you’re wrong as you have been using the Wrong techniques all this while. Here’s a quick guide how to brush your teeth:

Place your toothbrush at a 45-degree angle to the gums.
Gently move the brush back and forth in short (tooth-wide) strokes.
Brush the outer surfaces, the inner surfaces, and the chewing surfaces of the teeth.
To clean the inside surfaces of the front teeth, tilt the brush vertically and make several up-and-down strokes.
Diagnose the problem of Bad Mouth Odour Yourself.

There’s a high chance that someone speaking to you might make weird expressions and won’t talk to you like how he usually does. Let the embarrassment not happen to you instead, act as soon as you sense the unpleasant smell in your mouth. The best thing to do is to keep a pocket-sized Mouthwash handy, this would always come to your rescue.

Don’t Forget your taste Buddy- Tongue
Our Poor Tongue goes through a lot, quite Literally! Have a food which contains food colouring and the tongue changes its colour too. Why should we do injustice to our tongue? It has equal importance just like our teeth. Use the backside of your brush to clean your tongue or use a Stainless-steel tongue cleaner. Make sure you use it slowly else it might peel off some skin. Rinse every time you clean your tongue.

Tongue brushing is an easy addition to your daily dental routine. Experts recommend making it a regular habit.

Gargle Meticulously every time after you brushed your teeth
Often, we feel that brushing our teeth is the end of our responsibilities towards a healthy oral hygiene. That’s Definitely wrong, post our Brushing session we need to Gargle meticulously to get rid of any food particles that couldn’t be wiped off while brushing as sometimes the brush doesn’t reach the nook and corners inside our mouth

 Reduce the consumption of Sugary Beverages and quit smoking

While completely stopping ourselves from consuming Sugary Beverages is a humongous task, we must try to avoid them as much as possible. They not only harm the enamel of our tooth but also leave a lingering smell. Tobacco is the root cause for a bad mouth odour. Extensive researches too have concluded that accumulation of the tar in our mouth results in a bad mouth Odour.


Brush your teeth Twice Daily using a Fluoride toothpaste
Brush Your Tongue at least once
Use a Good Quality Mouthwash
Gargle your Mouth Meticulously
Avoid Sugary Beverages
Quit Smoking
If you feel that your Mouth Odour is severe then you really need to visit a Dentist as it might be due to a disease you are suffering from.

Act Now to keep Bad Mouth Odour Away.

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