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  • 17 May, 2021

Smile Makeover using Veneers

Getting the Smile of your Dreams using Veneers

Ever found yourself looking in the mirror wondering what you can do to make your smile more attractive, but are you scared of getting some heavy procedure done? 

Veneers can be your safest bet to get the smile of your dreams! 

What are Veneers?  

Veneers are thin shell like covering used to mask the front (visible) portion of a tooth. They have the appearance of natural teeth. Dental veneers are wafer-thin, custom-made shells of tooth-colored materials used to enhance the appearance of teeth. These shells are bonded to the front of the teeth and change the color, form, scale, and length. 

Types of Veneers: 

Dental veneers may be made out of porcelain or resin composite materials. Porcelain veneers are more stain-resistant than resin veneers. In addition, they are more light-reflective than regular teeth. 

What types of issues do dental veneers fix? 

Veneers are essentially used to fix: 

Teeth that are discolored stained, or worn down 
Teeth that are cracked, chipped, or broken 
Teeth that are uneven, misaligned, or irregularly shaped (for example, have craters or bulges in them) 
Teeth that have gaps between them (to close the space between these teeth) 
Crooked or misshapen teeth 
Diagnosis and treatment plan: 

Your dentist will examine your teeth and tell you whether or not veneers are right for you, and if yes, which kind should you opt for. They will also discuss with you the procedure in detail, along with its risks and limitations. The dentist might take a few x-rays and possibly make impressions of your teeth. 

The Dental Veneer Procedure:

Getting Dental Veneers fixed usually takes approximately three appointments with the dentist. The first typically is the consultation and the other two are when you get your set of Veneers fixed. A single tooth or a group of teeth may be veneered at the same time. 

What to do before the procedure? 

In order to prepare a tooth for a veneer, the dentist may reshape the tooth’s surface to a thickness that is approximately equal to the thickness of the veneer to be applied to the tooth surface. You and your dentist will determine whether or not the area will be numbed before the enamel is removed. Your dentist would then create a model of your tooth, also known as an impression. Your veneer is made using this model, which is sent to a dental laboratory. The veneers typically take 2-4 weeks to arrive from the laboratory. In the meantime, temporary dental veneers may be used. 


Before permanently cementing the veneer onto your tooth, your dentist will put it on your tooth to examine its fit and color, extracting and trimming it as needed to achieve the perfect fit for you. The color of your veneer may be changed depending on the type of cement used. After that, the tooth will be brushed, polished, and etched in preparation for the veneer. Etching roughens up the surface of the tooth to help in the bonding process. After applying a special cement to the veneer, it is put on your tooth. Your dentist uses a special light beam on the veneer after it has been correctly placed to trigger chemicals in the cement, allowing it to harden very quickly.Your dentist can ask you to return in a few weeks for a follow-up appointment to check your gums and the veneer’s placement. 

Advantages of Dental Veneers: 

They provide a natural tooth appearance. 
Gums tolerates porcelain well. 
Porcelain veneers are stain-resistant. 
A color would be selected to make dark teeth appear whiter if you wish. 
Veneers do not usually need as much shaping as crowns do, yet they are more robust and look better. 
Dental Veneer Disadvantages:  

This process cannot be irreversible. 
Veneers generally cannot be repaired if they chip or crack. 
Since the process involves removing enamel, your tooth may become more sensitive to hot and cold foods and drinks. 
Veneers may not exactly match the color of your other teeth. Also, the veneer’s color cannot be altered once it’s in place. If you plan on whitening your teeth, you need to do so before getting veneers. 
Veneers usually cost more than composite resin bonding. 
Though not likely, veneers can dislodge and fall off. To minimize the chance of this occurring, avoid biting your nails, chewing pencils or hard surfaces, ice or other complex objects, etc. 
Teeth with veneers can still experience decay, possibly necessitating full coverage of the tooth with a crown. 
Veneers are not a good choice for people with unhealthy teeth (for example, those with decay or active gum disease), weakened teeth (due to neglect, fracture, large dental fillings), or those who don’t have enough existing enamel on the tooth surfaces. 
Dental Veneer Lifespan: 

Veneers typically last anywhere between 7-15 years. After this time, one is required to replace them. 

Dental Veneer Aftercare: 

Dental veneers do not require any extra special care. All one needs to do is continue to follow good oral hygiene practices, including brushing, flossing, and rinsing with an antiseptic mouthwash as you normally would. Although porcelain veneers resist stains, the dentist may recommend that you avoid stain-causing foods, drinks, or beverages (for example, coffee, tea, or red wine). Smokers need to take extra care as the tar for smoking may cause severe discoloration on the Veneers.

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