Dr. Janu Shah

Has Participated in 1 events.



Dr. Janu Shah

Dr. Janu Shah is a prosthodontist and oral implantologist. Her forte is smile designing and its her passion to give life changing smiles to her patients.

She practises in ahmedabad, gujarat as a chief dentist and head at oris dental clinic.

She has been conducting courses since a couple of years and have been invited to many national and international conferences as a speaker.

Teaching is something very close to her heart, and she tries her best to explain the most complex procedures in the most simplest version, making sure the participants have their concepts on point!

She believes dentistry is a constant learning curve, and you should never stop learning and growing. She feels she has a long way to go in her journey, but on the way, give it back to the society by passing on the knowledge and expertise she has acquired.
