Dr. Philippe Tardieu

DDS, Implantology Specialist

Has Participated in 1 events.



Dr. Philippe Tardieu

DDS, Implantology Specialist

Dental Education

1968-1969       Faculté de Médecine de Grenoble

                        First year in Medicine (PCEM)

Domaine de la Merci, 38700 La Tronche, France.
Phone: 0033 

1969-1972       Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1

                        Second to third year in Dentistry.

11, Rue Guillaume Paradin 69372 Lyon CEDEX 08, France

1972-1974       University Paris VII

Fourth to fifth and last year validated in Dentistry.

5, rue Garancière, 75006 Paris, France
Phone: 0033 1 53 10 50 15

July 22 1974   University Paris VII

Doctorate thesis accepted with first-class honors.

University postgraduate trainings and specialty

  • New York University College of Dentistry

Post-graduate course in Clinical Dentistry.

A post-graduate program with a written report, lectures and workshops.

November 19, 1986 to February 11, 1987 University René Descartes Paris V

                        Postgraduate program in Laser therapy

                        Laser Department of Professor Melcer

A short-term post-graduate program with a written report, lectures and workshops.

12, rue de l’Ecole de médecine, 75270 Paris, France, Cedex 06

1999-2000      Université of Nice-Sophia Antopolis
Board of Implantology. University diploma specialty program including completion of the Attestation (1999) with a written exam and an oral exam at the end of each year plus two written reports. 98 Boulevard Edouard Herriot, 06000 Nice, +33 4 93 37 55 83

January 2006 Diploma: Implantology Expert Certification DGOI-AFI

Deutsche Gesellschaft für DGOI OraleImplantologie and Association Françaised’implantologie.

100 implant cases from more than 4 years must be presented plus an oral exam on a selection of 10 of theses cases.

March 2012 Certificate: St Joseph Hospital, Setton University, School of Graduate                             Medical Education & The American Society for the Advancement of

Anesthesia and Sedation in Dentistry.

Parenteral conscious sedationcourse including with 80 hours and a minimum of 20 clinical cases.

March 2012   ACLS (Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support) from the

American Heart Association.

March 2016   BLS (Basic Life Support) from the American Heart Association.

January 2023 BLS (Basic Life Support) HSS-BLS-2023-01-0015

Teaching positions

1974 -1976      University Paris VII 

Clinical Professor

Department of Inlays of Professor P.Demolon.

1982 - 1998     New York University

                        Visiting Professor at New York University Dental Center

Since 1986      New York University

                        International Program Director for France for Continuing Education Programs.

Since 1998      New York University

                        Adjunct Associate Professor New York University College of Dentistry

Department of Comprehensive care. To take care of post-graduate Education programs as a French Program Director, to give lectures in Implantology to groups of US dentists involved in a Two-year program and to give lectures to Post-graduate dentists in the Departments of Periodontology, Implantology and Prosthodontics.

2003- 2006      Strasbourg University

Clinical Professor in Department of Implantology, in charge of a course post-graduate program. 

Practices and licenses

1975 - 2006     General dentistry, implantology and perio in my own dental clinic.

Last address: 49, avenue Alsace Lorraine, 3800 Grenoble, France.

License #1033

Since 2007      Alabama Dental Center. Speciality license as an Implantologist.

Alabama Dental Center, Al Wasl road- Al Manara junction, Villa No. 879,

PO Box: 211595 DubaiTel: +971 4 394 8222

License #83341

From 03 November 2008 to 2013: Temporary Medical Work Permit at Neuro Spinal Hospital (to practice under full anesthesia).

24 December 2008 for 2 years: Professional License as a “Doctor of Medicine with a specialty inGeneral Dentistry” at The Dental Center, Dubai HealthCare City (to give live TV demo surgeries in the frame of Dubai HealthCare City).

Thesis and University written reports

                        University Paris VII:

                        " Les conditions de travail en pratiqueodonto-stomatologique". 1974

                        New-York University:

                        " Contribution to the study of new attachment surgeries in the treatment of                     gingival recessions and infrabony defects".

                        Current Concept in American Dentistry, 1982

                        University Paris V.     

                        "Application du laser CO2 en odontologie" 1987

                        University of Nice Sophia Antipolis

                        “Aide informatique aux Diagnostics  et aux TraitementsImplantaires

                        Guides Chirurgicaux-Scannographiques”,  1999

                        University of Nice Sophia Antipolis

                        “ProgrammeSurgicase Dental, Guides Chirurgicaux Materialise

                        Cas Cliniques”,  2000


                        “Présentation des thérapeutiquesdentaires et implantaires”

                        Editions Jullien. 1996

« The Art of Computer-guided Implantology ». Quintessence Books. July 2009. Philippe Tardieu, Alan Rosenfeld


Original Papers

                        Monography : “Le chirurgien-dentiste face à l’infection.”

                        Laboratory SPRET-MAUCHAMP. 1977

                        Collaboration with the Company CREACTION,

                        Journalist for the revue IMUDON-INFORMATION. 1976-1979

"L'anesthésie loco-régionale en chirurgieparodontalelorsd'interventions        longues et étendues".

                        Le ChirurgienDentiste de France. 1983

                        "Reconstruction contrôlée des crêtesdéformées:

                        Technique de la grille."

                        Journal de Parodontologie. Sept 1986.

Tardieu P, Melcer J, Melcer F, Crussol G, Sterilisation of the infected dental organ by CO2 Laser in the deliberate reinsertion of the last molars." Preliminary Clinical Study on  Human. with 7th Congress of the International Society for Laser Surgery and Medicine. June 1987

                        "La pratiquequotidienne du laser à CO2 au cabinet dentaire"

                        Journal de Physique Colloque C7, supplement n°12, Tome 48, Dec. 1987.


Ramez J, Donazzan M, Chanavaz M, Brun JP, Tardieu P.

“The contribution of scanner imagery in implant surgery and sinus overflow using frontal oblique orthogonal reconstruction] Rev StomatolChirMaxillofac. 1992;93(3):212-4.           


Tardieu P, Mise en Charge Immédiated’Implantsdans des Sites d’Extractions frais. Cas Clinique. Histologie sur Humain. Implantodontie1997;24:63-70.


Tardieu P, Missika P, Une classification clinique des mises en charges implantairesimmédiates.

                        Implant 1997;3:289-297.

Philippe B, Tardieu P, Edentementcompletmaxillaire avec atrophieosseuseterminale :Prise en charge thérapeutique. A propose d’un cas

                        Partie 1 Phase chirurgicale :principesthérapeutiques et indications.”

                        Implant; 2001;7:99-111.

Tardieu P, Philippe B, Edentementcompletmaxillaire avec atrophieosseuseterminale :Prise en charge thérapeutique. A propose d’un casPartie 2 Réalisationimplantaire et prothétique :l’implantologieassistée par ordinateur. Implant 2001;7:199-210.

                        Tardieu P., Vrielinck L., ImplantologieAssistée par ordinateur.                   

                        Cas clinique :Mise en charge immédiate d'un bridge maxillaire avec des

                        implants à appuiszygomatiques et ptérygoïdiens.

                        Implantodontie n° 46, Août 2002, pp 41-48.

Tardieu P, Immediate Smileâ : The State of the Art, Materialise Headlines, 2003;3:1-3.


                      Tardieu P,  “Implantologieassistée par ordinateur : le programme                                         SimPlantSurgiCaseTM et le SAFE SystemTM. Cas clinique :Mise en charge

                        immédiate d’un bridge mandibulaire avec des implants transmuqueux.”

                        Implant, Fevrier 2003.

                        “Computer Assisted  Implantology Using SurgiCase™ Software and a                               Custom Made Stereolithographic Drill Guide for Placement and Immediate                         Loading of Implants. A Case Report : Treatment of the Mandible.”JOMI, 2002.

  1. Tardieu, Immediate SmileTM: Der neueste Stand der Technik, Implantologie Journal, 8/2003, November; pp. 42-44.

    P. Tardieu, Der neueste Stand der Technik. Immediate Smile®, BDIZ Konkret - Journal für die Implantologische Praxis, 4/2004, December; pp. 95-97.
  2. Tardieu, Vrielinck L, Roose N, Computer Guided Implantology. Introduction to the SAFE System® and a clinical case.Dental Horizons Volume 2, Number 3, pp.125-130,2004.
  3. Tardieu, V. Pattijn, F. Glor, Computer Guided Implantology: 2006 developments. Dr. James and Virtual teeth. Dental Horizons, Volume 4, Number 1, pp.283-289,2006

Alan L. Rosenfeld, DDS, FACD / George A. Mandelaris, DDS, MS / Philippe B. Tardieu, DDS Prosthetically Directed Implant Placement Using Computer Software to Ensure Precise Placement and Predictable Prosthetic Outcomes. Part 1: Diagnostics, Imaging, and Collaborative Accountability Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent 2006;26:215–221

Alan L. Rosenfeld, DDS, FACD / George A. Mandelaris, DDS, MS / Philippe B. Tardieu, DDS Prosthetically Directed Implant Placement Using Computer Software to Ensure Precise Placement and Predictable Prosthetic Outcomes. Part 2: Rapid-Prototype Medical Modeling and Stereolithographic Drilling Guides Requiring Bone Exposure Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent 2006;26:347–353.

Alan L. Rosenfeld, DDS, FACD / George A. Mandelaris, DDS, MS / Philippe B. Tardieu, DDS Prosthetically Directed Implant Placement Using Computer Software to Ensure Precise Placement and Predictable Prosthetic Outcomes. Part 3: Stereolithographic Drilling Guides That Do Not Require Bone Exposure and the Immediate Delivery of Teeth Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent 2006;26:493–499.

Tardieu PB, Vrielinck L, Escolano E, Henne M, Tardieu AL.          

Computer-assisted implant placement: scan template, simplant, surgiguide, and SAFE system. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2007 Apr;27(2):141-9.

Tardieu P., Pattjin V., Dan Stenkilsson, Computer-driven aesthetic reconstructions. Headlines December 2008

Tardieu P., Immediate Smile® Procedure, Smile Dental Journal Vol 4, Issue 1, pp26-36, 2009


Tardieu P., Pattjin V., Dan Stenkilsson, Computer-driven aesthetic reconstructions. Virtual planning, surgical and tooth trimming templates, Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent, submitted 01/2009


Tardieu P,L’implantologieassistée par informatiquele « New Deal »

L’Information Dentaire, n°12,pp92-96;23 mars 2011.


Clunet-Coste B, Tardieu P, Garampon D. Bridge implanto-porté fibro-architecturé : de la chirurgieguidée à la mise en charge immédiate. Implant 2015;21:131-141.


Tardieu P., Introduction to a Dental and Medical Inventory,Order and Traceability Management Software. J Oral Hyg Health 3: 183. 2015.


Tardieu P, Clunet-Coste B, Garampon D (2015) Implant-Supported, Fiber-Reinforced Bridge: From Guided Surgery to Immediate Loading. J Dent Health Oral DisordTher 3(2): 00085. DOI: 10.15406/jdhodt.2015.03.00085

Tardieu P., Introduction to an Inventory; Order and Traceability Management Software,Smile Dental Journal,Volume 10, Issue 4 – 2015, pp24-2 


L.Vrielinck, L. Beckers*, I. Naert, L. Barbier, J. Abeloos, C. de Clercq,S. Schepers, C. Politis, P.Tardieu. Simultaneous fabrication of a drill guide and a temporary crown : First clinical multicenter study. World conference, Las Vegas, June 5-10. 2005.

Publications on the Internet

“Aide informatique à la plannification et à la réalisation des traitementsimplantaires. Le concept Materialise et le programmeSurgiCase.” Dental Espace. Implantologie. January 2001 http://www.dentalespace.com


“L’implantologieassistée par ordinateurillustrée par un cas de mise en charge immédiatecomplètemandibulaire.”ABCDent. Formation continue. http://www.abcdent.fr/?rub=cahier,


You tube: “Immediate Smile procedure movie”, August 14, 2008.


You Tube:”Aesthetic course Session II.mp4”,December 6, 2009.




  • Method And Device For Placing Dental Implants



  • Method for manufacturing a prosthesis made prior to implant placement



  • Trimming bone guides and tooth guides to be used in Aesthetic reconstructions, 22 ?01/2009.
    WO 2009/010543 Al


Membership in Professional and Scientific Societies

            International Societies:

Italy: Member of the Scientific Committee of the Italian revue “PraticaOdontoiatrica” .    

U.S.A.: American Academy of Periodontology as an international member.

Belgium: SimPlant Academy, as a Mentor.

United Arab Emirates: Study Club of Oral Implantology as a Member.

Italy: Member of the Computer Aided Implantology Academy (CAI Academy) Editorial Committee and Active Member since 2009.

Italy: Elected President of the Computer Aided Implantology Academy (CAI Academy) for the years 2017-2018.
Italy: Elected HonorablePresident of the Computer Aided Implantology Academy (CAI Academy) since 2023.

            French Societies:

1979                “Club Européend'Odonto-Stomatologie”

                        Fonder and Honor President

1979                Fonder of the Club Européend’Odonto-Stomatologie

Since 1980      Member of the Council of the Académie Française de Gnathologie

Since 1981      Honor President of the  ClubEuropéend’Odonto-Stomatologie

1984 à 1987    Responsible of the region for the Syndicat National Union of French Periodontists

1985 à 1987    Elected member in the council of the ONFOC of Isere.

1985 à 1988    Member of the Société Française de Parodontologie

Since1995       Member of the Association Françaised’Implantologie

Since1997       Founder and President of the Club International d’EtudesDentairesAvancées

Since 2001      President of the Centre de Réflexion sur l’Implantologie

1996 to 2006   Fonder and President of the Institut International d’EtudesDentairesAvancées                     

Scientific journals reviewer

                        Implant, French dental journal dedicated to implantology

                        Journal of Oral Rehabilitation                    

                        International Journal of Perio and Restorative Dentistry.                    

Some International Lectures by Invitation

                        Projected clinics "Sutures in periodontal surgery"     

                        Greater New-York Dental Meeting   

                        New York, U.S.A., Nov. 25, 1984     

                        Lecture entitle "CO2 laser in periodontology and orthodontic treatement in                        dentistry"au 7th Congress of the International Society for Laser Sugery and                       Medicine in Munich, GERMANY. June 25, 1987


                     Lecture entitle "CO2 laser in dentistry"         

                        New York University College of Dentistry   

                        New-York, U.S.A., Oct 16, 1987


                        Lecture entitle "CO2 laser method in dentistry"       

                        Second World Dental Conference     

                        Jerusalem, ISRAEL, June 28, 1988


                        Two Day Master class workshop       

                        "CO2 laser in dentistry"         

                        Centro CongressiInternationale         

                        Padenghesugarda, ITALY, Sept. 9-10, 1988


                        Lecture entitle "Nuoveclassificazioniclinicheinternationale per l'applicazione                       del Laser CO2 in odontoiatria e parodontologia"         

                        VII CongressoOdontoprogress          

                        Roma, ITALY, Dec. 3, 1988.


                        Lecture entitle "Recent CO2 laser applications in dentistry"

                        Self Congress Laser Industries          

                        Bern, SWITZERLAND, April 17, 1989


                        Lecture entitle "Last results and clinical applications of CO2 laser in dentistry"

                        Hadassah Hospital of Jerusalem, Université of Jerusalem.

                        Jerusalem, ISRAEL, June 2, 1989


                        "CO2 laser in dentistry"         

                        Centro CongressiInternationale         

                        Padenghesu Garda, ITALY, July 1, 1989


                        "CO2 Laser, an endodontic approach "         

                        Temple University. Philadelphia, U.S.A., Oct. 23, 1989


                        Workshop, laboratory demonstration

                        "Laser theory and practice in dentistry "       

                        New-York University. New York, U.S.A.OCT.25, 1989


                        Lecture entitle "CO2 Laser, Endo. program "           

                        Columbia University. New York, U.S.A., Oct. 26, 1989


                        Workshop "CO2 Laser in dentistry " 

                        Verona, ITALY, Nov. 17, 1989        


                        Lecture entitle "Solving problems with Nobelpharma System"         

                        New-York University,

                        New York, U.S.A, Dec. 2, 1990


                        Lecture entitle "Laser Yag treatment"           

                        International Laser Academy

                        Geneva, SWITZERLAND, Oct. 17, 1991


                        Workshop "Laser Yagin dentistry"                

                        Sant Cugat del Vallés, SPAIN, Nov. 22, 1991


                        Lecture entitle “Immediate loading in immediate extraction sites”

                        893th Annual Congress American Academy of Periodontology

                        New Orleans, U.S.A., Oct.11, 1996  


                        Lecture entitle“Aide informatique au traitement implantaire”

                        Université de MédecineDentaire de Monastir

                        Monastir, TUNISIA, June 3, 2000


                        Lecture entitle “Heavy smokers and risk patients in Implantology”

                        “Use of digital Data in Implantology”

                        Philadelphia, USA, June 6, 2000


                        Lecture entitle “Immediate Loading”

                        New York University

                        New York, USA, June 7, 2000


Lecture entitle “The second breath in dental implantology: treating cases by integration data of medical, physiological, pharmacological and digital kind.”

                        International Conference Materialise

                        Leuven, BELGIUM, Oct. 14, 2000


                        Lecture entitle “The State of the Art  in Computer Assisted Implantology”

                        Department of Implantology. New York University College of Dentistry.

                        New York, USA, Oct. 30, 2000


                        Lecture entitle “Nouvelle donne en implantologie :intégration des données             informatiques. Le concept MaterialiseTM et le programmeSugiCaseTM”

                        Roma, ITALY, March 16, 2001


                        Lecture entitle “The State of the Art  in Computer Assisted Implantology”

                        Department of Implantology. University of Michigan.

                        Ann Arbor, USA, Nov. 1, 2001          


                        Lecture entitle “Implantologiedentaireguidée par ordinateur”

                        Napoli, ITALY, Nov. 9, 2001


                        Lecture entitle “ProgrammeSIMPlantSurgiCase et le projet SAFE System”

                        Final Fidias Symposium

                        Leuven, BELGIUM, March, 23, 2001


                        Hands on “LogicielSurgiCase, guides de forages robotisés”

Lectureintitle “L’implantologiedentaire, jusqu’oùest-cepossible ?Intégration des donnéesmédicales, physiologiques&informatiques pour réussir les cas à risque”

                        XI èmeCongrès International CRON-OM

                        Marrakech, Morocco


                        Lecture entitle “Computer Assisted Implantology : the SAFE System™.”

                        New York University Implant Symposium

                        New-York, USA, Dec. 13, 2002


Course: “Computer Assisted Implantology and Immediate Loading”

                        New York University College of Dentistry, Seoul, KOREA, April 25, 2003.


Lecture: “The missing link » New York Univeristy College of Dentistry, New York,, USA, May16 2003.


Lecture: «Implant planning and drill guides : what’s the future ? »

Computer Guided Implantology, Las Vegas, USA, October 25, 2003.


Lecture: Immediate loading: the State of The Art, New York University College of Dentistry, New York, USA, December 11, 2003.


Lecture «Implant Driven by Computers, Milwaukee Dental Forum

Milwaukee, USA, January 9, 2004


Lecture «Implantology and precision » Alan Rosenfeld study group, Chicago, USA, January 10, 2005


Lecture: « Immediate loading: what is true and what is a dream? »

                        International Implant Congress, Pescara, Italy. February 26-28, 2005.


Lectures « Immediate Bridge Placement : the State of the Art. »

WCOI 6, Honolulu, Hawaï, March 5-8, 2004.


Lecture « SAFE System and Immediate Smile» Materialise course

                        Genk, Belgium, April 23, 2004.


Lecture « Guided Implantology» American Dental Clinic

                        Dubai, Arab Emirates, May 26, 2004.


Lecture « Immediate Smile» Materialise annual convention

                        Leuven, Belgium, June 5, 2005.


Lecture « El concepto SAFE », Dental Implants & Biomaterials

Madrid, Spain, February 4, 2005.


Lecture « Is Implantology driven by Computers Trust worthy? »

Chicago Midwinter meeting, Chicago, USA, February 26, 2005.


Lecture « Implantology Success Related to Accuracy: SAFE System and Immediate Smile. UEA International Dental Conference & Arab Dental Exhibition, Dubai, UAE, March 1-3, 2005.


Lecture « Advances in Implantology and Oral Rehabilitation »

                        16th New York University in Paris, Paris, April 8, 2005.


Course and workshop: « Computer Guided Implantology Level One »

                        Dubai Internet City, Dubai, UAE, April 19-21, 2005.


Lecture, « Immediate Loading, 2 years of experience». International SimPlant Symposium, Leuven, Belgium, June 3-4, 2005


Lecture, «Introduction to Computer Guided Implantology», Beirut International Dental Meeting 2005, Beirut, Lebanon, September 1-3, 2005


Course, «Computer guided Implantology Level II»

                        Dubai Internet City, Dubai, UAE, September 27-29, 2005


Lecture, «Immediate Loading»

                        International Congress, Roma, Italy, October 29, 2005


Lecture: «Virtual Implant Placement »

International Congress of Oral Implantology (ICOI) NEW YORK, USA, December 9, 2005.


Lecture, How far can we go in Guided Implantology ?

Saudi Dental Society Symposium in Riyadh, SA, January 2006.


One day course and workshop + one lecture,

«Computer Guided Implantology »

                        Dubai World Dental Meeting 2006, Dubai, UAE, February 28, 2006


Lecture and workshop, «Introduction to Computer guided Implantology »

2nd Arab-German Implantology Meeting of DGZI / joint congress with SCOI, Dubai,, UAE, March 2nd, 2006


Two day course, Level II course and workshop

                        SimPlant Academy, Dubai, UAE, March 28-29, 2006


Two day course, Level I course and workshop

                        First SimPlant Symposium in Tehran, Iran, May 4-5, 2006


Intensive SimPlant Workshop

Amman, Jordan, June 23, 2006


Intensive SimPlant Workshop

Beirut, Lebanon, June 24, 2006


                        Lecture, «Success related to accuracy»

                        1st. CAI Academy International Congress

Rome, Italy, May 18-21, 2006


Lecture, ”Virtual implant placement”, International SimPlant Symposium

                        Barcelona, Spain, May 26, 2006


Course, ”Level II course”

Kish Island, Iran, September 7-8, 2006


Course, Introduction to Computer Guided Implantology

Manama, Bahrain, September 16, 2006


Lecture, ”New developments in Computer Guided Implmantology”, European Academy of Osseointegration, Zurich, Switzerland, October 5, 2006.


Lecture:”Current and future developments in Computer Guided Implantology”, EAO,  Barcelone. Spain. October 26, 2007.


Lecture : ”Aesthetics in implantology related to accuracy. What are the current tools”, International Aesthetic week in NYU, New York University, New York, USA, 1 December 2006


Lecture & workshop: ”Introduction to SimPlant platform. Alumni Course in Berne University”, Zwitzerland. January 26, 2007.


Course :”AEEDC 2007 SimPlant course”, Dubai,  United Arab Emirates, February 28, 2007.


Lecture :”Computer Guided Implantology and Aesthetics”, Italian Society of Periodontology for the 13th International Congress. Florence, Italy. March 15-17, 2007.


Lecture & workshop: ”Level 1 Course in Computer Guided Implantology”

Berne University, Zwitzerland. March 30, 2007.


Lecture :”Up-date Implant Dentistry”, Berne and Zurich University, Berne, Switzlerland. March 31, 2007.


Lecture :”Computer Guided Implantology Level II course”, Dubai, UAE, April 4-5, 2007.


Lecture:”Current and future developments in Computer Guided Implantology”, World SimPlant Symposium, Washington. June 1-2, 2007.


Lecture :Implantologieassistée par ordinateur et mises en charges immédiates. Association Françaised'implantologie. Paris October 4, 2007.


Lecture : Introduction à la plateformeSimPlant, Aix en Provence, France, October11-13, 2007.    


Lecture: ”CT-scan based implant treatment : Risks and Benefits”

CAD/CAM & Computerized Dentistry International Conference, Dubai, December 1-2, 2007.


Lecture :”First Implantology Workshop” in King Faisal Hospital & Research center, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, November 4, 2007.


Lecture :”Computer - Guided Implantology, a solution to surgeons’ problem”, AEEDC 2008 Conference, March 5, 2008.

Course :”Computer Guided Implantology: a solution to surgeons needs”, ASOI CONGRESS, Cairo, January 10, 2008.

                        Lecture :”Computer-guided Implantology, a solution to surgeons’ problem.”

                        TDA Centennial Congress, Istanbul, Turkey, July 3-5, 2008.


Lecture :”Computer-guided implantology in aesthetic cases”, EAO 2008, Warsaw, Poland, September 19, 2008.


Lecture :”What is unique in SimPlant ?” Warsaw, Poland, EAO 2008, September 19, 2008-09-13


Lecture: ”Current and future developments in Computer Guided Implantology” EAO Barcelona, Spain, October 16, 2008


Lecture :”Modern use of patient management software,” CAD/CAM International Conference, Dubai, UAE, October 24, 2008


Course and live TV surgery : ”International implant course”. The Dental Center, Dubai HealthCare City, Dubai, UAE. January 30, 2009.


Lecture: Image based implant treatment, 4th World Conference of International Iraqi Medical Association, Sharjah, UAE, April 9, 2009.


Course and live TV surgery :”Introduction to computer-guided implantology”, Lebanese University, Beirut, Lebanon, June 3, 2009.


Course and live TV surgery : “Aesthetic course. SESSION 1: From Smile to Aesthetics: Basics of aesthetic reconstruction”, CAAP, Abu Dhabi, UAE, June 25-26, 2009.


Course and live TV surgery : “Aesthetic course. SESSION II: BIOLOGY, a key to success in aesthetic reconstructions”, CAAP, Abu Dhabi, UAE, September 24-25, 2009.


Course :”Computer implantology”, Badaroz, Spain. October 30, 2009.


Lecture :”Computer driven aesthetics”, First Dental-Facial Cosmetic International Conference. Dubai, UAE. 06-07 November, 2009.


Course: “Photography and Documentation in dentistry”, CAAP post-congress course, Dubai, November 8, 2009.


Lecture :”Computer implantology”, American Academy of Implant Dentistry 2009, New Orleans, USA, November 10-15 2009.


Workshop: ”New-opportunities; A Case-Base Implant Conference”, American Academy of Implant Dentistry 2009, New Orleans, USA, November 10-15 2009.


Course and live TV surgery : “Aesthetic course. SESSION III: Teeth and Prosthesis”, CAAP, Abu Dhabi, UAE, December 17-18, 2009.


Course: “Photography and Documentation in dentistry”, CAAP post-congress course, Dubai, UAE, March 12, 2010.


Lecture: “The Current world of images in Implantology”, Jordan Dental Association, Amman, Jordan, April 27, 2010.


Course and Workshop: “Dental Photography & Documentation”, Jordan Dental Association, Amman, Jordan, April 29, 2010.


Lecture: “Proper cementation to proper objectives”, CAD CAM CAAP congress, Dubai, UAE, May 14, 2010.


Course: “Photography and Documentation in dentistry”, CAAP post-congress course, Dubai, UAE, May 15, 2010.


Course and workshop: “Introduction to imaging treatments”, Maxicourse, Abu Dhabi, UAE, June 01-02, 2010.


Course and workshop: “Introduction to imaging treatments”, Maxicourse, Penang, Malaysia, June 5-6, 2010.


Course and workshop: “Introduction to imaging treatments”, Maxicourse, Delhi, India, June 09-10, 2010.


Course and workshop: “The new world of medical images”, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai, China, June 12-13, 2010.


Course and live TV demo: “Current Concept in Aesthetic Dentistry, Session I” CAAP courses, Abu Dhabi, July 08-09, 2010


Course and workshop: “The current world of images in implantology."  International Congress of Implantology of the University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil, September 15, 2010.

Lecture: “New Opportunities with Computer Guided Aesthetic Reconstructions.” International Congress of Implantology of the University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil, September 18, 2010.


Course and live TV demo: Current Concept in Aesthetic Dentistry, Session II” CAAP courses, Abu Dhabi, UAE, September 23-24, 2010


Course: “Aesthetic course”, Beirut, Lebanon, October 07-08, 2010.


Course: “How to understand and integrate Periodontics in our practice ?” GlaxoSmithKline courses,Dentists’ Scientific Bridge, Dubai, UAE, October 14, 2010.


Course: “Digital Clinical Photography in Dentistry”, Hands-on course, 2nd Dental-Facial Cosmetic international Conference, Dubai, UAE, November 5, 2010.


Conference: “The Golden Ratio” Dental-Facial Cosmetic international Conference, Dubai, UAE, November 6, 2010.


Course and live TV demo: “The New Deal in Computer-guided Implantology”, ADF, Paris, France, November 25, 2010


Course: “How to understand and integrate Periodontics in our practice ?” GlaxoSmithKline courses,Dentists’ Scientific Bridge, Kuwait, UAE, December 9, 2010.


Course: “Perio-Prosthetic Integration” 2nd College of Dentistry – AUST & 15th EMA international Dental Conference at the Global Perspectives in Dentistry, Ajman, UAE, December 15, 2010.


Course and live TV demo: Current Concept in Aesthetic Dentistry, Session III” CAAP courses, Abu Dhabi, UAE, December 17-18, 2010


Conference: “The New Deal” ADF Congress, Paris November 25, 2010.


Course: The Current World of Images in Implantology, New York University Current Concept in American Dentistry, Taipei, Taiwan, March 06, 2011


Conference: “The Golden Ratio” Dental-Facial Cosmetic international ESMOD, Dubai, UAE, March 15, 2011.


Conference: “Computer-guided Implantology: The New Deal”, Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China, April 9, 2011.


Conference: “Aesthetic Dentistry”, Sino-French Hospital of Suzhou, China, April 11, 2011.


Course: “Introduction to Aesthetic Dentistry”, 1st  Jordanian Cosmetic Dentistry Congress, Amman, Jordan, May 24, 2011.


Course and workshop: “Introduction to imaging treatments”, Maxicourse, Kish Island, Iran, June 02, 2011.


Course and workshop: “Introduction to imaging treatments”, Maxicourse, Abu Dhabi, UAE, June 06, 2011


Course and workshop: “Computer-guided Implantology, Introduction to imaging treatments”, Maxicourse, Abu Dhabi, UAE, January 21, 2012


Course and workshop: “Introduction to Easy Implants”, Pre-Conference Courses DWDM 2012, Dubai, UAE, January 25, 2012


Course and workshop: “Computer-guided Implantology, Photography & Documentation, New York University College of Dentistry & CAPP MEA in the Middle East, Abu Dhabi, UAE,October 11, 2012


Course and workshop: “Computer-guided Implantology, Introduction to imaging treatments”, Maxicourse, Abu Dhabi, UAE, October 15, 2012


Course and workshop: “Computer-guided Implantology, Introduction to imaging treatments”, LaboratoireFlecher, Strasbourg, France, December 22, 2012


Hands On Training Program on AccuGuide Soft Solution

ACT Course, Dubai, December 25, 2012


Course and workshop: “Computer-guided Implantology, Introduction to imaging treatments”, RAK College of Dental Sciences, RAK, UAE, January 17, 2013


Hands On Training Program on AccuGuide Soft Solution

ACT Course, Dubai, February, 14, 2013


Course and workshop: “Computer-guided Implantology, Introduction to imaging treatments”, Easy System Implant, Nice, France, March 21, 2013


Courses and workshops: “Computer-guided Implantology, Introduction to imaging treatments”, LaboratoireFlecher, Strasbourg, France, April 4-5, 2013


Lecture and workshop: 3D Imaging Workshop: Introduction to Computer-Guided Implantology, Training on Accuguide®, CAD/CAM & Digital Dentistry International Conference, 8th Edition, Dubai, UAE,May, 2-3, 2013


Course and workshop: “Computer-guided Implantology, Introduction to imaging treatments”, Easy System Implant, Meyrieu, France, June 13, 2013


Course and workshop: “Computer-guided Implantology, Introduction to imaging treatments”, LaboratoireFlecher, Strasbourg, France, June 15, 2013


Course and workshop: “Photography and Documentation” &“Computer-guided Implantology, Introduction to imaging treatments”, Maxicourse, Abu Dhabi, UAE, August 28, 2013


Lecture and workshop: Introduction to Computer-Guided Implantology, Training on Accuguide®, National University of Singapore, Singapore, October 03, 2013


Lecture and workshop: 3D Imaging Workshop: Introduction to Computer-Guided Implantology, Training on Accuguide®, 2nd Asia – Pacific Edition CAD/CAM & Digital Dentistry International Conference, Singapore, October 04, 2013


Lecture: The new world of images in dentistry and implantology, Dubai School of Dental Medicine, Dubai, UAE, November 20, 2013


Course and workshop: “Computer-guided Implantology, Introduction to imaging treatments”, RAK College of Dental Sciences, RAK, UAE, November 21, 2013


Lecture and workshop: Implantologie-assistée par informatique, Easy System Implant, Chavanod, France, February 12, 2014


Lecture: Computer Guided Implantology at your finger tips, Asia Pacific Dental Congress, Dubai, UAE June 17, 2014.


One-hour webinar, Introduction to a order and inventory management software? ANPA MEDICAL SUPPLIES DMCC invitation, Dubai, UAE, July 15, 2015


One-hour webinar, Introduction to AccuGuide and CST (Cable Stayed Technology) ANPA MEDICAL SUPPLIES DMCC invitation, Dubai, UAE, July 8, 2015


One-hour webinar, How to use a surgical guide? ANPA MEDICAL SUPPLIES DMCC invitation, Dubai, UAE, July 22, 2015


One-hour webinar, Introduction to a order and inventory management software? In French, ANPA MEDICAL SUPPLIES DMCC invitation, Dubai, UAE, July 29 2015


One hour and a half hour webinar on Surgical guides, ANPA MEDICAL SUPPLIES DMCC invitation, Dubai, UAE, September 9, 2015


Lecture and workshop: The New Deal in computer-guided implantology, CAI Academy (Computer Aided Implantology Academy, Florence, Italy, November 6-7, 2015


Lecture and workshop: “Computer-guided Implantology, Introduction to imaging treatments”, Maxicourse, American Academy of Implant dentistry, Abu Dhabi, UAE, January 26, 2016


Lecture and workshop: “The New Deal in Computer-guided Implantology” International Congress of Dental Implants, Isfahan, Iran, 27-29 April, 2016


Lecture and workshop: “The New Deal in Computer-guided Implantology” On Time Healthcare, Dubai, UAE, May 11, 2016


Lecture and workshop training in French: “Implantologieassistée par ordinateur”, October 26-27, 2016, Dubai, UAE


Lecture, “Why I’m using guided implantology in my everyday practice?”, CAI Academy, November 4-5, 2016, Bologna, ITALY


Lecture, live TV demo and hands-on, The New Deal in Computer-guided implantology, November 17-18, 2016, Sharjah, UAE.


Lecture and workshop, “Computer guided implantology”, 44th IPS Conference 2016, December 1-4, 2016, Mumbai, INDIA.


Webinar, “Tracking Supply Orders & Supply Inventory” September 15, 2021


Webinar on “AxisGuide”, July 6, 2022


Webinar on “AccuDent DHA and NABIDH integration”
September 27, 2022

Webinar on “Implant Planning” on AxisGuide, October 4 , 2022


Lecture:Art and Science of computer guided implantology: the history of Computer guided surgery. CAI Academy (Computer Aided Implantology Academy, International Meeting of computer guided implantology, XV annual meeting, Florence, Italy, November 26, 2022


Lecture: Computer AidedImplantologyStaticGuidance – DynamicNavigation – RoboticSurgeryandbeyond! 

Art and Science of computer guided implantology: the history of Computer guided surgery. CAI Academy,XVI annual meeting, Athens, Greece,  Friday 23rd June, 2023 


Someother lectures by Invitation in France only until end of 2006

Lecture entitle “Mise en charge immédiates d’implants, rationnel et approche d’une classification”. Ste. d’ImplantologieOrale et de ProthèseAppliquée” Paris, FRANCE, March 1, 1995


One day continue education course program “Cours d’implantologie”

Grenoble, FRANCE, Dec. 21, 1995


                        Lecture entitle “Surgical Advances in Implant Therapy. The immediate                               Placement and Loading of Implants into Fresh Extraction Sockets”

                        Cuurent Concepts in American Dentistry N.Y.U.

                        Paris, FRANCE, March 23, 1996


                        Lecture entitle “Mises en charge immédiatesd’implants après extractions.                 Etude longitudinale, Histologie.”

                        5ème Congrès de l’AssociationFrançaised’Implantologie

                        Paris, FRANCE, Oct. 3, 1996


                        One day continue education course “Sensibilisation à l’implantologie”       

                        Centre de qualification Formation dentaire.

                        Grenoble, FRANCE, Oct. 17, 1997


                        One day continue education course “Voiesd’avenir en implantologie”

                        Cuurent concepts in american dentistry NYU,

                        Saint Raphaël, FRANCE, Jan. 21, 1997


                        Lecture entitle “Mises en charges immédiatesdans des sites d’extractions

                        frais” Assisesmondiales de l’Implantologie et de l’esthétique

                        Nice, FRANCE, May 6, 1997


                        24 day continue education course programm                                    

                        “ Cours de chirurgieparodontale et implantologie : les Fines Lames”

                        Institut International d’EtudesDentairesAvancées,

                        Grenoble, FRANCE, 2 days every 2 month from May 1997


                        Lecture entitle “ Lesmises en charges immédiates : applications       

                        cliniques sur les restaurationsmandibulaires”. Annual meeting of  S.I.E.R.R.A.

                        Lyon, FRANCE, June 21, 1997


Lecture entitle “Immediate Placement and Loading of Implants. Classification and Histology”

                        Alumni Day, New York University

                        New York, U.S.A., Oct 31, 1997


                        One day continuing education course “ Srtatégie du developpement du cabinet                  dentaire”

                        Institut International d’EtudesDentairesAvancées,

                        Grenoble, FRANCE, Nov 21, 1997


                        Lecture entitle “Intégration de la photographienumérisée au cabinet dentaire”.

                        Association DentaireFrançaise.

                        Paris, FRANCE, Nov 23, 1997


                        Lecture entitle “Mises en charges immédiates”.

                        European Union of Clinicians in Implant Dentistry

                        Avignon, FRANCE, May 24, 1999


                        Lecture entitle “Aide informatique au diagnostic et à la réalisationimplantaire”.

                        Société Implantaire de la Côte d’Azur

                        Cannes, FRANCE, June 24, 1999


                        Lecture entitle “Strtegiedeudéveloppement d’un cabinet dentaire

                        Management de croissance”

                        Action Institut

                        Paris, FRANCE, July 2/3, 1999


Lecture entitle “Implantologiedentaireguidée par ordinateur :SurgiCase et guides stéréolythographiques”

                        Paris, FRANCE, Nov. 9 2001


Lecture entitle "L'implantologiedirigée par la prothèse :intégration du programmeSurgiCase et des guides chirurgicauxstéréolythographiques"

"Réflexion sur l'importance de l'évaluation de l'Hôte en chirurgieparodontale et implantaire :intégration des donnéesmédicales, physiologiques et pharmacologiques pour réussir les cas à risques."

                        Société de Parodontologie du Sud Est

                        Marseille, FRANCE, Jan.19, 2002


Lecture entitle “Le deuxièmesouffle en implantologie :intégration des donnéesmédicales, physiologiques, pharmacologiques et informatiques pour réussir les cas à risques.”


                        Lyon, FRANCE, March 13, 2002


                        Lecture entitle “La mise en charge immédiateassistée par ordinateur.”


                        Paris, FRANCE, June 27, 2002


                        Lecture entitle “Implantologieassistée par ordinateur :derniersdéveloppements”

                        DiplômeUuniversitaired’implantologie de l’Université de Nice-Sophia Antopolis

                         Nice, FRANCE, Jan. 24,  2003


Lecture “Implantologieassistée par ordinateur :derniersdéveloppements”

Uuniversitary Diploma in Implantology, University of Nice-Sophia Antopolis, January 24, 2002.


Course : In-office Implantology Course with live video demonstration

                        Institut International d’EtudesDentairesAvancées

                        Grenoble, May 8-10, 2002


Course: “Implantologieassistée par ordinateur :derniersdéveloppements”

                        DiplômeUuniversitaired’implantologie de l’Université de Strasbourg.

                        Strasbourg. May 23, 2003


Lecture : “Implantologieassistée par ordinateur”

                        CFLIP (Cercle franco-libanaisd'implantologie et de parodontologie)

                        Paris, June 5, 2003.


19 Juin 2003    Course: “L’implantologieAssistée par Ordinateur.Mises en charge immédiatesd’implants standards et zygomatiquesouptérygoïdiens à l’aide du programmeSimplant™, et des guides de forages à appuisosseux et muqueux. Introduction au SAFE System™ et présentation des voiesd’avenir (IBP).”CINF, Lille, June 19, 2005.


Lecture : « Reconstructions par autogreffesosseusesétendues et mise en charge immédiate.  Indications, simulation, exécution.» B. Philippe, P. Tardieu, E. Bayle, Congrès 3i 2003, Paris, October, 17, 2003.


Lecture : « Le point sur les mises en charges immédiates »

                        SFI (Société Françaised’Implantologie), Paris, October 18, 2003.


Lecture: “Jusqu’oùpeut-on aller en implantologie ? ADF, Paris, November 24, 2005.


Lecture “Bridges préparésavant la mise en place des implants et mise en charge immédiatement”, JournéesLyonnaises, Lyon, January 29, 2005.


Lecture « Immediate Smile» Euro Expo Dental Paris, April 7-11, 2004


Course :  In-office Implantology Course with live video demonstration

                        Institut International d’EtudesDentairesAvancées, Grenoble.May 6-8, 2004.


Course: “Implantologieassistée par ordinateur :derniersdéveloppements”

                        DiplômeUuniversitaired’implantologie de l’Université de Strasbourg.

                        Strasbourg, May 14, 2004.


Workshop: « Guided Implantology Workshop»

Institut international d’EtudesdentairesAvancées, Grenoble, July 9, 2005.


Lecture: « La planification et la navigation implantaire»

Alpha & Omega Chapitre Montpellier, Montpellier, December 17, 2004


Course: « Computer Guided Implantology »

Instititut International d’EtudesdentairesAvancées, Grenoble, France, May 19-21, 2005.


Lecture and workshop: Initiation à l’implantologieguidée

                        Ste Anthogyr, Sallanches, France, October 3, 2006



Business and Research

2000 to 2006 Member of the Medical Advisor Board of Materialise, Belgium.

2004 Shareholder and partner of DENTALVIA, a French company working in patient’s management software.

2005 to 2009 Member of the Research Advisor Board of Materialise, Belgium

2005 to 2009 Founder and owner of Accuracy Current Technologies FZ LLC, Dubai, UAE. (a company working in medical imaging and medical software)

2009 Transferred to ACT FZC in September 2009.

2009 Partner and Scientific Director of UNIGUIDE, a French company working in medical imaging.

2011 President of UNIGUIDE DENTAL until December 2015.

2015 Elected President of the Computer Aided Implantology Academy for 2016-2017

2017-2018 President of the CAI Academy (Computer Guided Implantology Academy).
Since 2023 Program Director for the development of AxisGuide, E-Medical Manager and AccuDoc software in the frame of ANPA MEDICAL SUPPLIES DMCC


Humanitarian activity                      

2007               Founder and President of One-million Smiles,a French NGO.

2007                Unpaid surgeon working for RP4Baghdad (Médecins sans Frontières)


Award            s          

April 8, 2008              Ten Years Service Awards from New York University



Le Figaro Magazine Santé .World premiere with Dr. Philippe, November 25, 2006, p22-23


Carrier Magazine. Dentists must stay above the normal concerns », September 2007, pp 27-28


Emirates Business 24/7. Five minutes with Dr Philippe Tardieu, April 25, 2008 - Page 20.


Time Out in Dubai. Give us a smile, by Anna Whitehouse, Monday April 28, 2008



Dubai Eye radio 103.8fm. ‘Siobhan Live’ lifestyle chat show hosted by Siobhan Leyden,

April 30, 2008            


Xpress. Mazher Farooqui May 2008


Dubai Eye radio 103.8fm. The Nightline, show hosted by  JamesPiecowye, May 7, 2008


Friday Gulf News. One Million Smiles from Dr Philippe By Rebecca Wicks, August 07, 2008


7 TV Dubai, Face to face. July 10, 2008 Face to face interview with John Deykin.


Le Mag, Interview with Dr. Philippe Tardieu, Number 4, June/July, 2010.
