Mr. Cristian Ioan Petri


Has Participated in 1 events.


Mr. Cristian Ioan Petri


He was born in 1978 in the heart of Transylvania. In 1999, Cristian Petri successfully completed his 2-year dental technician college in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Subsequently, he worked as dental technician until 2001. He then changed to work in USA and Germany as dental technician for almost 2 years. ( May-Oct 2001: New Jersey, Dec 2001- Nov 2002: Germany ).In 2002, he opened his laboratory Artchrys in Cluj-Napoca/ Romania and a Dental Clinic in the same city in 2019. He is co-founder and president of Dental Initiative Romania, a non-profit association with an educational character. He is also the initiator of the TEAM congress in Romania.


Source: AEEDC Website
