CRDTS and SRTA are pleased to announce the pending merger of the two testing agencies. These two agencies have provided excellence in clinical licensure testing for more than 100 years combined. Together these organizations will use their experience and collective resources to enhance the experience of candidates, partner schools, and dental boards.
For candidates: You will continue to experience a fair and objective exam experience provided by ethical and compassionate examiners. They want you to do well and they strive to provide an atmosphere that significantly lowers testing anxiety. Additionally, they will now serve more locations, including many off-campus options throughout the year, that will allow you to examine when and where you want. Taking an exam on your terms is a winning opportunity and applies to candidates from all schools.
For partner schools: You should expect to experience no disruption to the process currently in place. In fact, with added resources, the merger will lead to ways to improve efforts to serve your needs. The organizations are grateful for the trust you have put in them and promise to continue working hard to make the experience for you and your students as efficient and affordable as possible.
If you are not currently a partner school, they'd like to show you what their exam experience is like, and how positive it can be for all parties involved. Due to their streamlined processes, they can offer exams at a lower price to candidates. In addition to dental and dental hygiene exams, they offer resources such as faculty calibration using the latest in haptic technology, and more.
For state dental boards: With this merger, you can feel confident in the integrity of the examination content and process. The merger company will continue to be directed by a steering committee comprised of current state dental board members, which means they act under your direction. They're here to support your mission to protect the public, while also working with schools and candidates to remove unnecessary burdens in the exam process. They have implemented advanced technology and independent testing sites, and they continue to have the lowest fees among current exams. If you would like to learn more about what they're doing, feel free to reach out.
Accepted nationally for initial licensure and licensure by endorsement, CRDTS and SRTA examinations provide excellent portability in addition to quality and professional administration. Students can feel confident that the CRDTS and SRTA merger will lead to continued advocacy for acceptance of all qualifying exams that meet the requirements in every state and jurisdiction in the US as encouraged by the American Dental Association.
Even stronger together, you can count on CRDTS and SRTA for the best in dental and dental hygiene testing. Stay tuned for more information coming soon by visiting or or call the CRDTS central office at (785) 273-0380.
Diane - 2 weeks ago