Dental implant continues to function in a 102 years old!
On 8th June 2012, history was created as Prof. Dr. Jijo Paul, a Maxillofacial Prosthodontist and Implantologist at Mazhuvenchery Speciality Dental Clinic, Aluva, placed an implant in a 92 year, who has celebrated this 102nd birthday this year, with the longest living, functioning dental implant in the world!
Rev. Fr. John Mathews Elanjileth, who is an Indian origin male, at his age of 92 years, walked into Dr. Paul’s clinic on 25th may, 2012 with chief complaint of missing upper left back tooth which was apparently extracted 10 years back in U.S.A. The patient now desired rehabilitation.
After thorough dental and medical examination, it was confirmed by Dr. Paul himself, that the 92 year old was fit for the dental implant. Soon after, on the 8th of June, 2012 (which is today written as a golden date in the history of clinical Implantology) the patient was prepared for surgical procedure and dental implant was placed in the maxilla in relation to upper left second molar. Adin Titanium implants of the dimension 8x 6 mm were chosen for the patient. The implant surgery went well as per surgical protocols under local Anesthesia.
A long 6 months of patience lied ahead of Dr. Paul & Father John.
On the 15th January 2013, the patient was recalled for stage 2 which was the prosthetic rehabilitation of the dental implant. As per Dr. Paul’s expectations, clinical & radiographic examinations revealed an intact & well osseo-integrated implant. A straight titanium abutment of 1mm was placed on the implant, following which a Zirconia crown was placed on 18th January 2013 and the rest is history.
Father John, who is as of today 102 years & 2 months young by God’s grace, has been without a fail reporting for regular follow-up visits for the past 10 years! He is fully satisfied with his dental Implant rehabilitation and he is leading a healthy life in United States of America.
“I feel in spite of the age barrier, implant success of my case scenario would be a great hope for my age-group patients so they can live their life to the fullest”
Fr. John Mathew
Dr. Paul’s & Father John’s story is a living example of the proverb, where there is a will, there is a way! This success story has been applauded by dentists all across the globe. We learnt that with right vision & proper skill set, we can do wonders in dentistry. And deserving equal appreciation here, is the patient’s sincerity & care which till date continues to contribute in making those wonderous implants last a lifetime!
We congratulation both Prof. Dr. Jijo Paul & Rev. Fr. John Mathews Elanjileth, for creating history and for inspiring thousands of dentists & patients worldwide.
About the Doctor Dr. Jijo Paul holds the Universal Record Forum’s World Record (URF) for successful dental implantation in the oldest patient alive. Dr. Jijo Paul received his B.D.S and M.D.5 degree from Dr. MGR Medical University, Chennai, and he was awarded a fellowship in Implantology (FIDEA) from MAHER Deemed University, Chennai under the able guidance of Prof. Dr. Munirathnam Naidu. He is also certified in Advanced Education in implant dentistry from the Harvard school of Dental Medicine, Boston USA Certified Dentium Hands On Course-Combined Sinus and implant Education, Dentium Academy. Dentium HQ South Korea, Sept 2022
Dr. Jijo Paul Developed Mouth Stick Appliance for paralyzed patients (first reported case in India and fifth in the world). He also developed Indigenous closed field magnetic systems for implant supported dentures and Cranio-facial prosthesis, for the first time in India He served as the consultant Maxillo-facial prosthodontist in the department of head and neck surgery at AIMS (Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences), Kochi and the Professor of Prosthodontics and Implantology in MES Dental College, Perinthalmanna. He is a former professional consultant for Zhermack-Itlay.
Presently, he is the Managing Director of Mazhuvenchery speciality dental clinic(MDC), accredited by NABH in Aluva.
Hailey - 2 weeks ago