Author-Dr Aparna Pandya (Mrs India Vivacious 2019)
People presumably grind their teeth or grip them firmly for a while, especially during sleep or during anger. Sometimes grinding your teeth most probably won’t beget any detriment.
But if you regularly grind your teeth, you may have a condition called bruxism. It can hurt your jaw muscles, teeth, temporomandibular joints (TMJs)-which connect your jawbone to your cranium and allow you to open and close your mouth.
Bruxism can be when you ’re awake or asleep. The grinding action is the same, but awake and asleep bruxism are considered two separate conditions
Teeth grinding can beget several problems
Like grown-ups, children can have bruxism. Parents may hear their children grinding their teeth in their sleep. But bruxism in children may not lead to long- term damage. Children’s teeth and jaws change snappily, and they may outgrow bruxism by the time they lose their baby teeth.
Still, some children continue to grind their teeth until their teenage times. And anyhow of age, teeth grinding in children can lead to
While stress is a main cause of bruxism in grown-ups, that’s not generally the case with children. Teeth grinding in children may come from misaligned teeth, Obstructive sleep apnea, heredity.
Bruxism is a common sleep complaint. It affects about 10 of grown-ups and up to 15 of children.
There are numerous causes of bruxism, including life habits, similar as drinking alcohol, using cigarettes and recreational medicines, and consuming a lot of caffeine. Other causes include Sleep diseases, Stress and anxiety, taking certain specifics, including a class of anti-anxiety medicines.
Signs of bruxism include
Examine the TMJs, jaw muscles and teeth for signs of bruxism. But in some cases, you may need a sleep study called polysomnography. This test takes place in a sleep centre and can give a definitive opinion.
There are no specifics to stop teeth grinding. Dentist can provide a night guard. This customized device has to be placed in mouth before bed. It protects the teeth, muscles and TMJs from the force created during grinding.
Hailey - 2 weeks ago