• Admin
  • 16 May, 2024

Dental 3D Printing Equipment, Technology, Application Industry research 2024-2029

The global dental 3D printing market is projected to reach USD 8.1 Billion in 2029 from USD 2.9 Billion in 2023, at a CAGR of 19% between 2023 and 2029.

The report analyzes the dental 3D printing market and aims at estimating the market size and future growth potential of this market based on various segments such as end user, region, application, technology, and product & service. The report also includes a competitive analysis of the key players in this market along with their company profiles, product/service offerings, recent developments, and key market strategies.

The market is anticipated to grow as a result of development continuous advancements in 3D printing hardware, software, and materials improve accuracy, speed, and affordability, making the technology more accessible and attractive for dental applications. Ageing populations with greater need for dental restorations further contribute to market growth. On the other hand, an high cost associated with dental 3D printers, and stringent regulatory process for the approval of 3D printing equipment are expected to limit market growth to a certain extent.

The rapid population growth, increasing awareness about oral health, and a booming middle class translate to a strong demand for dental services across Asia-Pacific. Also global leaders in dental 3D printing are establishing their presence in APAC, introducing advanced printers, innovative software, and diverse biocompatible materials.

North America was the largest segment in the dental 3D printing market in 2023. The US accounted for the larger share of the North American dental 3D printing market in 2023. The rising number of oral diseases and growing awareness regarding 3D printing is expected.

Based on the technology, the VAT photopolymerization segment is expected to grow by the highest CAGR in the dental 3D printing market

VPP enables incredibly precise printing, capturing intricate details and smooth surfaces, ideal for applications like dental prosthetics and miniature models. Compared to some other 3D printing methods, VPP can quickly cure entire layers at once, significantly reducing build times. With minimal material waste and efficient layer-by-layer printing, VPP can be cost-effective for prototyping and small-batch production which is expected to drive the market growth.

The plastics segment is expected to grow with the highest CAGR in the materials segment of products and services segment in the dental 3D printing market

3D printing resins are specially formulated to be biocompatible and safe for use in the mouth. This allows for direct fabrication of prosthetics, crowns, and other restorations that come in contact with oral tissues. Various 3D printing technologies and plastic materials cater to a wide range of dental applications, including crowns, bridges, dentures, surgical guides, implant components, and orthodontic appliances. This opens doors for continuous innovation and new treatment possibilities.

Based on the application, the implantology segment is expected to grow by the highest CAGR in the dental 3D printing market

Out of the other applications, implantology is expected to grow at the highest CAGR from 2024 to 2029. Dental 3D printing is transforming the field of implantology, offering innovative and efficient solutions for planning, guiding, and fabricating implant-based restorations. 3D printed models of the jawbone and planned implant positions assist in pre-surgical planning, communication with patients, and even fabrication of personalized surgical templates which is expected to drive the dental 3D printing market.

This report provides insights into the following pointers:

  • Analysis of key drivers (Rapidity, accuracy, and less labor-intensive process, High cases of dental infections and diseases, rising demand in the field of cosmetic dentistry, Increasing cases of tooth loss among geriatric population,), restraints (High cost of dental 3D printers, lack of skilled workforce due to limited specialized training in additive manufacturing), opportunities (potential for growth in emerging countries, Consolidation of dental practices and rising DSO activity) and challenges (Stringent regulatory requirements for dental 3D printing equipment and materials).
  • Market Penetration: It includes extensive information on product portfolios offered by the major players in the global dental 3D printing market. The report includes various segments in market product and service, technology, application and region.
  • Product Enhancement/Innovation: Comprehensive details about new product launches and anticipated trends in the global dental 3D printing market.
  • Market Development: Thorough knowledge and analysis of the profitable rising markets by product and service, technology, application and region
  • Market Diversification: Comprehensive information about newly launched product and services, expanding markets, current advancements, and investments in the global dental 3D printing market.
  • Competitive Assessment: Thorough evaluation of the market shares, growth plans, offerings of product and services, and capacities of the major competitors in the global dental 3D printing market.


Dental Public Health Oral Medicine and Pathology Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Pediatric Dentistry Oral Care Dental News
Tags :
Cosmetic Dentistry Dental Technology Dental Prosthetics Cosmetic Dentistry Dental 3D Printing Market Dental Restorations
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