The mesenchyme for the formation of the head region is derived from mesoderm, neural crest and thickened regions of ectoderm known as ectodermal placodes. The formation of face region is from the contribution of five mesenchymal prominances namely – Frontonasal, two mandibular processes and 2 maxillary processes.
Frontonasal process forms the forehead, the nasal septum, philtrum of upper lip and premaxilla bearing upper four incisor teeth. Maxillary process forms whole of upper lip except the philtrum and most of the hard and soft palate except the part formed by the premaxilla. Mandibular process forms the whole lower lip.
Derivatives of pharyngeal arches
Arch number 1 – Mandibular arch
Arch number 2 – Hyoid arch
Arch number 3
Arch number 4
Arch number 6
Article by Dr. Siri P. B.