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  • 11 May, 2024

Encinitas Cosmetic Dentists Highlight the Health Benefits of Orthodontic Treatments

ENCINITAS, CA, USA, May 9, 2024 /EINPresswire.com/ -- The team at Encinitas Cosmetic Dentistry has been helping patients achieve straighter smiles through high-quality orthodontic care for years. Led by Dr. Cathy Santone and Dr. Megan Dietz, the practice emphasizes how orthodontic treatments can both enhance smile aesthetics and boost overall dental health.

According to Dr. Santone and Dr. Dietz, some of the health benefits associated with orthodontics include:

• Easier Teeth Cleaning: Dr. Santone notes that straighter teeth are easier to brush and floss effectively.

When teeth are properly aligned, there are fewer hard-to-reach places where food debris, plaque and tartar can accumulate, reducing the risk of cavities and gum disease. Dr. Dietz agrees stating that misaligned teeth increase the risk of gingivitis and periodontal disease.

• Decreased Risk of Tooth Injury: Protruding upper teeth are more likely to be unintentionally knocked into and fractured. According to Dr. Santone, straightening your teeth can reduce this risk.

• Less Strain on Jaw Muscles and Joints: Misaligned teeth can make it harder to establish an even bite which put extra stress on the jaw muscles and joints, potentially leading to symptoms of temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD). Aligning the teeth can reduce strain and pain in these areas.

• Prevention of Abnormal Wear: Crowded, misaligned teeth can lead to uneven distribution of bite forces, or a “traumatic bite,” which often result in excessive tooth wear and/or fracturing, explains Dr. Dietz. Straight teeth tend to have a more ideal position in the bite protecting them from this excessive wear.

• Boost in Self-Esteem and Mental Health: Having straighter teeth leads to a patient wanting to smile more and can contribute to a boost in self-esteem and mental health. Dr. Santone and Dr. Dietz assert that patients often feel more confident with a straighter, more aesthetically pleasing smile.

At their practice, Dr. Santone and Dr. Dietz offer three different orthodontic options:

Invisalign®ClearCorrect™, and Six Month Smiles®. Invisalign® and ClearCorrect™ are both clear aligner systems, which are designed to offer a discreet, comfortable way of progressively shifting the teeth into a straighter, healthier alignment. Since the aligners are designed to be removed when eating and tending to oral hygiene routines, patients often consider them a more comfortable and convenient alternative to traditional braces.

Six Month Smiles® is an innovative orthodontic treatment focusing on correcting the teeth that show when patients smile. The system uses clear brackets and tooth-colored wires, making it less noticeable than traditional braces. Dr. Santone and Dr. Dietz note that this system is specifically designed for adults with crooked, poorly spaced, or misaligned teeth, providing a route to better dental health with quicker treatment timelines.

Encinitas Cosmetic Dentistry is committed to providing patients with state-of-the-art orthodontic solutions that promote not only a more appealing smile but also a healthier one. With a focus on patient-centered care, Dr. Santone and Dr. Dietz ensure that each patient receives a tailored treatment plan that best suits their dental health needs and cosmetic desires.

About Encinitas Cosmetic Dentistry

Encinitas Cosmetic Dentistry is a full-service dental clinic with a focus on cosmetic and restorative treatments as well as preventive care. The expert team of dental professionals boasts extensive combined expertise spanning several decades. Dr. Cathy Santone holds accreditations from the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (AACD) and memberships with both the American Dental Association and the California Dental Association. Dr. Megan Dietz has fifteen years of experience in general and cosmetic dentistry, including specialized services in adult orthodontics like Invisalign®.

Dr. Dietz has achieved Gold status due to her volume of Invisalign treatments completed. She is also a member of the AACD and is affiliated with the American Academy of Clear Aligners and the American Dental Association. Both dentists are available for interview upon request.

For more information about Encinitas Cosmetic Dentistry, please visit encinitascosmeticdentistry.com or facebook.com/encinitascosmeticdentistry.

Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Oral Care
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oral hygiene Cosmetic Dentistry ORTHODONTICS oral health Encinitas dental care
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