Author-Dr Aparna Pandya (Mrs India Vivacious 2019)
People with geographic tongue have smooth, patches girdled by white borders on their tongue. It's a harmless, non-contagious condition.
Geographic tongue is a benign condition and doesn't beget any long- term health problems. It isn't contagious. People have mostly no symptoms, but some people feel a burning sensation on their tongue. Treatment for geographic tongue generally isn’t necessary.
Geographic tongue ( also called benign migrant glossitis) is slightly more common in young adults.
People who have psoriasis (a condition that causes scaled patches on the skin) and reactive arthritis (Reiter's pattern) are more likely than others.
The cause is not well established. Because it frequently runs in families, it may be inherited (passed down) from parents to their children.
People generally have other conditions along with geographic tongue. These conditions and conditions include -
While numerous people don’t notice any symptoms, the most recognizable sign of geographic tongue is the appearance of the pattern on the tongue. Symptoms can come and go, and may last a many weeks or times. They include
Because geographic tongue is a benign condition, treatment isn't necessary. However, avoid eating anything that can irritate your tongue.
Hailey - 2 weeks ago