cortico basal implantology


  • 5 July,2024
Surgical Awareness And Pitfals | Role Of Surgical Anatomy And Radiology In Cortico-Basal Implantology

Unveiling the pivotal role of surgical anatomy and radiology in navigating pitfalls in cortico-basal implantology.

  • 29 January,2025
Conceptual understanding of Cortico Basal Implantology

A scientific approach to understand basics and principles of cortico basal Implantology

In Person Events

  • 22 July,2022
6th International Conference on Cortico Basal Implantology

This conference will cover the wide arrays and possibilities of cortico basal implantology

  • 16 June,2023
1st Global Conference on Basal Implantology | Mono Implant

1st global conference on Basal Implantology, Bangalore with hands on courses, scientific lectures, dental Trade fair.

  • 23 July,2023
7th international conference on cortico-Basal Implantology | Simpladent

7th international conference on cortico-basal Implantology in Goa by Simpladent

  • 14 July,2023
Cortico- Basal Implantology Course - Hyderabad

Advanced hands on course on cortico-basal Implantology in Hyderabad

  • 8 March,2024
Cortico- Basal Implantology - 2 days extensive course | March 8-9

Cortico- Basal Implantology |Bicortical Immediate Solutions

Premium Videos

  • 4 weeks ago
Conceptual understanding of Cortico Basal Implantology

A scientific approach to understand basics and principles of cortico basal Implantology