It is a moment of huge pride as we share with you, our greatest accomplishment in the recent times. We, your very own digital dental media platform- The Dentist channel Online, are one of the very few to land up as the media partners for The AEEDC 2023 organised, 27th UAE International Dental Conference and Arab Dental Exhibition, Dubai. And what better recognition can one get, than being trusted for the media coverage for the 'Largest Annual Scientific Conference and Exhibition in the World', Yes! The largest in the whole world! Dentist channel Online is more than honoured and pleased to offer our services to something that grand and expansive. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to AEEDC for believing in us and for adding pride to our reputation.
For more than 25 glorious silver years, AEEDC has been looked up as the flag bearer of dentistry by leading healthcare professionals all across the globe and we are more than sure that it’ll continue to do so for many more magnificent years ahead. . And to celebrate yet another year of this illustrious journey, AEEDC Dubai has come up with the 27th UAE International Dental Conference and Arab Dental Exhibition, from February 7 to February 9, 2023, at the Dubai World Trade Centre, UAE.
Date: February 7 to February 9, 2023
Venue: Dubai World Trade Centre, UAE
Not just it, your travel and stay has been well taken care off. For those of you flying in from distant lands, you can avail the PROMO CODE- EVE6DAE, and get special offers traveling with the most royal and prestigious, The Emirates.
And Index Hospitality is the official housing bureau that will be on your service. They’ll offer aid in the following-
To add to your happiness, numerous promo codes have been made available for the conference & exhibition as well-
Do not miss the opportunity. Register yourself for the World's largest Dental conference and exhibition, and don't forget to avail the amazing offers at your service. Once again Dentist channel Online is elated and overwhelmed for being so strongly trusted and believed in. Thank You. It couldn’t have been possible without you, our loving audience.
Hailey - 2 weeks ago