Graft Less Implants In Atrophic Maxilla


The treatment of extremely atrophic maxilla is a major challenge for the implant dentist. conventionally, the treatment is done with the use of bone grafts. however, this treatment is longer, with greater morbidity, and with high cost for the patient. in the graft less approach, we use the areas of greater bone density to anchor tilted and long implants, obtaining high primary stability, which allows immediate loading in almost all cases. In this presentation, we will discuss the use of tilted, pterygoid, and zygomatic implants in the treatment of severe atrophic maxillas.


  1. Antomical aspects of extremely atrophic jaws.
  2. Graft and graft less treatment approaches.
  3. The maxillary butresses of force dissipation.
  4. Classification of maxillary bone atrophy.
  5. The all-on-4 concept.
  6. Standard, hybrid, and quad-zygoma approach.
  7. Treatment planning and pre-operatory evaluation.
  8. Surgical technique of graft less approach to the atrophic maxilla.
  9. Management of complications.
  10. Q & A. 


TIME : 8 PM IST – 9:30 AM CDT

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Dr. Sormani B. F. Queiroz DDS, PhD in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
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